Cateva cuvinte despre acest tag: folosind numai titluri de piese ale UNUI SINGUR ARTIST sau TRUPE, raspundeti inteligent la urmatoarele intrebari. Nu aveti voie sa folositi artistul ales de mine si incercati sa nu repetati acelasi titlu la mai multe intrebari.
Pentru acest tag am ales-o pe Idina Menzel,care imi place mult si ultimamente,chiar ascult foarte des muzica ei.
Asa life according to Idina Menzel:
Are you a male or female? - Funny Girl
Describe Yourself - Brave
How do you feel? -I Feel Everything
Describe where you currently live/ Descrie unde locuiesti in prezent -Here
If you could go anywhere, where would you go? - Once Upon A Time
Your favorite form of transportation - Defying Gravity
Your best friend? - ``Don`t Let Me Down``
You and your best friend are - Gorgeous
What's the weather like? -Poker Face
Favorite time of day -I Dreamed A Dream
If your life was a TV show what would it be called? - I Stand
What is life to you? - Take Me or Leave Me
Your relationship - Perfume and Promises
Your fear -My Own Worst Enemy
What is the best advice you have to give? - No Day But Today
Thought for the day -Minuet
My motto - You Don`t Own Me
Cam asta a fost.Vi-l ofer voua,tuturor celor care vor sa-l preia!Va pup!!!